
The original stielhandgranate (German for ‘stick hand grenade’) design was introduced during the First World War as the Model 1915 (M15) variant. The Imperial German Army enjoyed the longer throwing distance provided by the weapon’s stick handle, and this unique shape inspired the British to call it ‘the potato masher.’ The grenade was updated in various versions throughout WWI, and the most well-known variant is the Model 1924. The M24 stielhandgranate was a slightly lighter, thinner, and more effective design that served as the standard hand grenade of the Wehrmacht.

The potato masher is an extremely iconic weapon from WWII. My goal in this project was to design a display-worthy replica that captures the stick grenade’s unique shaping and brings this historic artifact to life in LEGO bricks.

M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson
My LEGO M24 Stielhandgranate

Precise Proportions

My top goal in this new LEGO design was to accurately recreate the size, angles, and proportions of the real stick grenade in every dimension. I used plenty of reference photos, diagrams, video, and other research to meticulously check the brickbuilt model against the original.

M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson
M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson

Working Features

While designed primarily for visual realism and aesthetic value, the LEGO M24 Stielhandgranate still has a few ‘working’ functions. The end cap can actually be removed, and a pull-out detonator cord is included. The rare white elastic LEGO string element allows for the cord to be pulled in order to simulate the friction ignitor function of the real deal.

M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson
M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson

Fun to Handle

The spindle grip feels comfortable, and the model is sturdy enough to hold at any angle. The end cap and elastic pull-cord features are enjoyable to try out, and (not shown here) the stick grenade does really explode when thrown. 😉 

M24 Stielhandgranate, a LEGO Brick Replica Stick Grenade Potato Masher by Cole Edmonson

M24 Stielhandgranate: An Improved Replica

The popularity and model-making success of my LEGO WWII weapons was another factor inspiring me to build the potato masher. Like the real grenade, my brickbuilt replica has gone through multiple versions (see my old one from 2010) and each time has gotten significantly more realistic and durable from improved building techniques and newer LEGO elements. 

Click below to get the instructions and build your own M24 Brick Replica!

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