
The classic ‘Tommy Gun’ or ‘Chicago Typewriter’ was too expensive a weapon (in its M1921, M1928A1, and even M1 variants) for wartime production, so the US military commissioned Auto Ordnance to simplify it further. The resulting M1A1 was a reliable, if heavy, 0.45 caliber submachine gun that became an iconic part of the United States’ WWII arsenal.

Personal note: I’m dedicating this 2022 LEGO M1A1 replica in loving memory to my Dad, who passed away about four years ago. The Thompson was one of his favorite WWII weapons, and he even offered to buy one of my earlier versions of the LEGO model; that’s how proud he was of my creation, which I would only keep improving over time with newer pieces and better building techniques.

M1A1 Thompson (V.1), a LEGO Brick Replica Gun by Cole Edmonson
My original LEGO M1A1 Thompson from 2008.

Refined Shape

My top goal in this new LEGO design was to smooth out the shaping of the gun’s ‘wood’ furniture and match the silhouette of the rifle more closely to the real weapon from every angle. The model is stronger, more accurate in its proportions, and has more working features.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Hands-On Interaction

While designed primarily for display purposes, my LEGO M1A1 Thompson is nevertheless sturdy enough to be held at any angle. The brick-built iron sights are realistically sized and aligned ‘for greater accuracy’ when looking down them.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Special Features

This LEGO version of the Thompson’s magazine is held by a special, working release lever just like the real version.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Working Features

The lifesize LEGO submachine gun replica features a pull-back trigger, moving bolt and charging handle, look-down iron sights (the rear post includes both a peep and notch, like the real thing), removable magazine with working release lever, and turning safety and fire-selector switches. The model, as pictured here, incorporates a variety of older ‘brown’ and ‘dark gray’ elements with their newer ‘reddish brown’ and ‘dark bluish gray’ counterparts for increased texture. 

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replica Submachine Gun | Building Instructions by Cole Edmonson

Designed for Display

I tried to imagine what it might look like if the LEGO Company designed a WWII M1A1 Thompson collectible display set in homage to the weapon’s history and role in the fight for freedom. Knowing they never would make this though, I decided to do it myself!

Visit the instructions page for my M1A1 to find links for how to build a display plaque and where to get the custom UCS-style, waterproof decal printed.

Design featured by Beyond the Brick.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Display Stand

July 2023 Update: The presentation of the WWII LEGO weapon is enhanced with a custom-made display stand. The support columns are sturdy, and basic black bricks keep the parts cost as low as possible.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Optional Sling Support

I’ve even designed the Tommy Gun model with durable sling swivels that allow the model to be slung around my shoulder with a couple of different LEGO sling options that are completely purist.

Sling Options for M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun | Building Instructions by Cole Edmonson

Sling Option #1: X-Pod Strap

The first option is using an old and increasingly rare piece of LEGO gear, the X-Pod Large strap that was available almost exclusively at LEGO Brand Retail Stores back in 2005.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

Sling Option #2: Technic Treads

The second option is constructed of readily-available Technic treads which are nice and sturdy for building a wearable sling. Here, I’ve used 89 of the links (there are about 26 links for every 1ft / 30.5cm of sling length), and you can find the instructions for the sling included with the rest of my M1A1 instructions here.

M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun | Building Instructions by Cole Edmonson
M1A1 Thompson, a LEGO Brick Replicas Submachine Gun by Cole Edmonson

WWII American Collection

And finally, I wanted my Thompson redesign to be able to accompany my other LEGO WWII American weapon replicas I’ve been building. Currently, I’ve got the M1A1, the M1 Garand, the M1911A1, and the Mk II grenade.

More LEGO guns are on the way! Click below to get the instructions and build your own WWII firearm replicas.